Sunday, July 31, 2011
WOD 8/1/12
Complete five rounds of:
On the rings, lower from an inverted hang, slowly, with straight body and arms, 7 reps
15 Ring Push-ups
Move SLOWLY and methodically attempting perfect execution. Ideally this is done with two pairs of rings - one pair hung app.
8' off the ground and the second 4" off the ground.
WOD demo :
100 m plank walk
Watch plank walk on:
Thursday, July 28, 2011
WOD 7/29/11
Clean Tech work
hang power clean/power clean/clean 1x5
Three rounds for time of:
Walking lunge, 50 meters
Standing broad-jump, 100 meters
Run 200 meters
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
WOD 7/28/11
Skill work: ROW
"Tabata This!"
Tabata Row
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Squat
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Pull-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Push-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Sit-up
The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals.
Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals. Unit for the row is "calories".
E.G., 10, 22, 9, 15, 15 = 71
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
WOD 7/27/11
Skill work: Rope climb
Five rounds for time of:
15 foot L-rope climb, 1 ascent
5 Parallette handstand push-ups
45/35 pound barbell overhead squat, 10 reps
For the rope climb, begin seated on the ground. For the handstand push-ups, the ears should dip below hand level. For the one-legged squats, alternate legs.
Monday, July 25, 2011
WOD 7/26/11
Skill work: Muscle ups
For time:
5 Muscle-ups
95 pound Back squat, 15 reps
10 Muscle-ups
95 pound Back squat, 30 reps
15 Muscle-ups
95 pound Back squat, 45 reps
10 Muscle-ups
95 pound Back squat, 30 reps
5 Muscle-ups
95 pound Back squat, 15 reps
Coaching notes: Muscle ups substitution 4 ring pull ups and 4 ring dips.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
WOD 7/25/11
Skill work: H.S.P.U.
With a continuously running clock, do one pull-up and one handstand push-up the first minute, two pull-ups and two handstand push-ups the second minute, three pull-ups and three handstand push-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able. When you cannot complete the required number of reps for either exercise, continue only with the other as long as you are able.
Use as many sets in any order each minute as needed.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
WOD 7/22/11
Push press 5-5-5-3-3-3
DB Thruster
pull ups
Technique work: Thrusters
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
WOD 7/21/11
"Honey badger . . . don't care"
For time:
50 Box jump
15 foot Rope climb, 5 ascents
50 KBS 53/35
50 sit-ups
50 DB hang power cleans 40 % of BW EACH DB
800 meter Run RUN RUN RUN RUN!!!!!!!!!!!
50 supermans
5 sets
10 hip bridge
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
WOD 7/20/11
Front squat 5-5-5-3-3-3
Alternating DB Supine Bench (single arm from the floor)
DB Hang Power Clean
Jump Rope Double Unders
then . . .
Technique work: Hang power cleans
Monday, July 18, 2011
WOD 7/19/11
Five rounds, each for time of:
20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats
Rest precisely three minutes between each round.
Then. . .
Technique work: Pull ups / muscle ups
Sunday, July 17, 2011
WOD 7/18/11
Deadlift 5-5-5-3-3-3
7 Rounds For Time:
DB Burpees (35/25)
Hang Squat Clean (35/25)
thruster (35/25)
Ball Slams (20/12)
On this Burpee version the hands do not need to extend above the head with the load. The bells should be carried next to the hips as you jump and the feet leave the ground.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
WOD 7/15/11
Shoulder press 5-5-5-5-5
Push press 3-3-3-3-3
Push jerk 1-1-1-1-1
10 min AMRAP:
Increasing ladder of:
3 thruster
3 burpees
6 thruster
6 burpees
9 thruster
9 burpees
continue going up the ladder until the time is done.
Count sets for score.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
WOD 7/14/11
"Nasty Girls"
3 rounds for time of:
50 Squats
7 Muscle-ups
135 pound Hang power cleans, 10 reps
Tabata rower / 3 set of 6 each side TGU
Coaching note: Substitution for muscle ups is 3 pull ups and 3 ring dips. Other assistance is allowed
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
WOD 7/13/11
Deadlift 3-3-3-1-1-1
Squat box jump
Coaching note: start eachbox jump from the squat position.
5 sets of ring planks max holds
WOD 7/12/11
For time complete:
25 D.U.'s or 500 singles
24 Dumbbell cleans
35 D.U.'s or 500 singles
12 Hand Release Push Ups
45 D.U.'s or 500 singles
24 Air Squats
55 D.U.'s or 500 singles
12 Wall Climbs
For time complete:
25 D.U.'s or 500 singles
24 Dumbbell cleans
35 D.U.'s or 500 singles
12 Hand Release Push Ups
45 D.U.'s or 500 singles
24 Air Squats
55 D.U.'s or 500 singles
12 Wall Climbs
Monday, July 11, 2011
WOD 7/11/11
Squat 3-3-3-1-1-1
For time:
24 wall balls
Farmer's walk (inside gym x2) 53/35
24 kBS
Farmer's walk (inside gym x2)
24 pull ups
Farmer's walk (inside gym x2)
24 turkish sit ups (total)
farmer's walk (inside gym x2)
Thursday, July 7, 2011
WOD 7/8/11
Bench press 5-5-5-3-3-3
For time:
10 Push-ups
1 Pull-ups
9 Push-ups
2 Pull-ups
....continue to reduce the push-ups by one and increase the pull-ups by 1. Your last round will conclude with 1 push-up and 10 pull-ups
WOD 7/7/11
In teams of 2:
3 Rounds for time
Round 1: One team member must complete 12 D.U's or 120 singles while the other member performs two hand K.B snatch.
Round 2: One team member must complete 24 D.U's or 240 singles while the other member performs single hand K.B swings.
Round 3: One team member must complete 48 D.U's or 480 singles while the other member performs two hand K.B swings.
Coaching notes:
The K.B must be the same for both partners and cannot be change on between rounds.
Both members of the team must complete at least one round performing Jumps.
K.B.S DO NOT stop when jumping is interrupted by mistakes.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
WOD 7/6/11
Front Squat 5-5-5-3-3-3
Rest 5 mins then. . . .
Every min on the min for 15:00 Minutes perform 1 rep of:
-DB Shrug Pull
-DB Power Pull
-DB Power Clean
-DB Front Squat
-DB Push Press
suggested loading equals 45% of bodyweight
Monday, July 4, 2011
WOD 7/5/11
Skill: H.S.P.U's & L-Holds
Rest 3 mins . . .
5 Rounds fot time of:
6 H.S.P.U
12 L-holds
L-pull up hold 3 max hold time attemp
Sunday, July 3, 2011
WOD 7/4/11
Push Press 5-5-5-3-3-3
Rest 5 mins
For time:
DB Cleans 21-15-9
Box Jumps 21-15-9
Coaching note: If beginners and intermediate individuals perform DB Front squats instead of the CLEANS.(Barbell loading 25% of bodyweight. Adjust to your current strength fitness)
Friday, July 1, 2011
WOD 7/1/11
Split Jerk 3-3-3-1-1-1
Rest 5:00
For Time:
50 Barbell Thrusters (20kg barbell)
40 Jumprope Double Unders
30 DB Swings (55lbs/35lbs)
20 Barbell split squat Hold barbell overhead in snatch grip
10 Burpees
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