By: Greg Everett
December 31 2010Continue reading at:
The kipping pull-up has been a point of vehement contention since its popularization by CrossFit; one camp tells the world it’s the only way to create complete elite athletic dominance and will possibly cure all known disease, and the other claims they will fail to develop much of anything athletic but will completely destroy your shoulders. It seems unlikely that any of these is entirely true.
I’ve never spoken up much either way before, except to express my distaste for the “butterfly” kip, and even that wasn’t too enthusiastic, and discuss the pull-up in general terms in thisarticle. Recently the heat seems to have been turned up a bit and I’m seeing more and more discussion on the topic, focused primarily on the injury potential of the exercise. I’ve avoided getting involved for a few reasons, not the least of which is that I feel it’s an unwinnable war and any opinions I share on the topic will piss at least a few people off. I don’t mind this exactly, but I have a hard time not then engaging in stupid internet arguments, so I prefer to avoid setting them up in the first place. But I’ll give this one a shot anyway.....