Monday's WOD
B.S. 8 x 4 @ 75% of 1RM
3 Rounds for time:
25 K.B.s
25 Wall Ball
A25 DU'S
Tuesday's WOD
5 Rounds for quality:
3 Skin the Cat
5 Ring Push Ups
3 Rounds for time
Row 250m
50m Lunges
75m Broad Jump
Wednesday's WOD
"The Cavemankind" Part 3
12 TGU
24 Pull ups
12 DB push press 40% of BW
24 DB cleans 40% of BW
15ft rope climb 5 ascertain
800m run
24 OHS
12 Box jumps
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Sunday, August 21, 2011
This week at 911 CrossFit 8/22-8/26
For time perform:
75 Burpees
5 Rounds for Quality:
8 Standing full range Straight Arm Shoulder Press
and connect each Press to Standing Dumbbell Inverted Cross (Men: 40lbs, Women: 20lbs)
Standing straight arm press video:
Standing inverted cross:
Farmer walk with plates 35/25 Inside Gym 2x
24 Chin Ups
7 Minute AMRAP:
TGU 35/25
5 Rounds for time of:
4 C&J @ B.W.
8 Single Arm supine press (on the floor) each side 70% of B.W.
16 single ring rows
I Love the 90's
Alternating sets of:
90 secs planks on elbows
90 secs of hallow rock
complete 90 seconds of planks follow immediately by 90 seconds of hollow rock follow the sequence for 9 minutes.
F.S. 8x4 @ 65% of B.W.
3 rounds for time of:
25 Wall Balls
75 D.U.'s or 300 singles
3 Rounds of:
3 min AMRAP
3 DL @ 225/155
6 Box Jumps 24/20''
9 Push Ups
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Training Tip of the Week: Squeeze!
Squeeze Your Way to Success!
By: Adam Sayih
When you grab a barbell, a kettle-bell, a pull-up bar, of course you hold on, but are you consciously squeezing?
Pressing movements:
Squeezing the barbell or kettle-bell as hard as possible during the lift will activate the triceps and help peel through those struggling reps. Give it a try, hold your right arm in front of you. Take your other hand and place your fingers on your lateral tricep head. Squeeze your right hand into a fist as hard as possible. Did you feel the tricep flex? Next time you're struggling to get that last push press, remember squeeze the bar as hard as possible and watch the barbell climb its way up.
By: Adam Sayih
When you grab a barbell, a kettle-bell, a pull-up bar, of course you hold on, but are you consciously squeezing?
Pressing movements:
Squeezing the barbell or kettle-bell as hard as possible during the lift will activate the triceps and help peel through those struggling reps. Give it a try, hold your right arm in front of you. Take your other hand and place your fingers on your lateral tricep head. Squeeze your right hand into a fist as hard as possible. Did you feel the tricep flex? Next time you're struggling to get that last push press, remember squeeze the bar as hard as possible and watch the barbell climb its way up.
Pulling/Olympic movements:
During a clean, snatch, or deadlift, squeezing the bar as hard as possible will activate your forearms and brachialis muscles. This will also make the initial pull off the ground significantly easier than just "holding" the bar. With a confident grip of the bar will come a confident lift. A solid hold of the barbell will allow you to concentrate on proper form instead of "Man, I hope I don't drop this." Lastly, if you use a hook grip, squeezing is the ONLY way it will work.
Squeezing the pull up bar as hard as possible will also activate your forearms and brachialis muscles. This will make hanging easier, and doing so will develop your grip strength. Also, it will help you transfer power through your pull all the way till your chest meets the bar.
For squats you should ALWAYS squeeze the barbell as hard as possible the whole lift. This will keep your whole upper body tight and make squatting more stable and help prevent injury.
Remember, there is a significant difference between just grabbing and consciously trying to squeeze a piece of metal as if your life depended on it.
"It is not the critic who counts, not the one who points out how the strong man stumbled or how the doer of deeds might have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred with sweat and dust and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worth cause; who, if he wins, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."
-"The Man in the Arena"
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Lift Tip of Week- Deadlift
Creating a Fortress Around Your Spine
by: Adam Sayih
When it comes to the deadlift, especially WODs that will ask for what seems an insane amount of repetitions, form will make or break the lifts. A lift done with proper form will not only prevent injury, but also make lifting heavier weights easier.
Besides, butt down, chest up, arched back, there's another form tip that's taught but usually brushed to the side. Shoulder blades back and down! This trick will pile the back muscles around your spine and not only support the back, but force you to keep perfect spinal position (lower back arched, slightly rounded at the top).
When attempting a heavy lift, or when nearing the end of a ceaseless round of deadlift, most of us have experienced the "how did my back not break" rep where our back seemed to hunch over worse than the bell-ringer of Notre Dame. This could have been avoided with proper shoulder blade placement on the set-up.
How to do it.
First, as you approach the bar, you want to bring your shoulder blades together. Imagine a soda can on your spine and you want to crush it with your shoulder blades.
Next, you want to lower your arms while keeping the shoulder blades pinched back. When you grab the bar, pull on the bar with slight tension, and literally push your squeezed shoulder blades down. At this point, you have perfect spinal position locked in. In fact you can try this from your home. Get to the shoulder blades back and down position and try to hunch your back. Impossible, right?
Now you want to bring your shoulder blades back. They should be behind the bar. This makes pulling the bar back during the lift easier. Shoulder blades in front of the bar will result in falling forward.
Now you have achieved a perfect set-up. Lean back and stay focused on your back position. Every rep stay tight and if necessary, re-do the set-up before the next rep.
Lean back, and pull like hell. Notice with this tip, your back will remain in perfect position even during the lock-out and will require no extra work.
"You must channel every bit of insanity and courage you have to pull big weights, and it's just as much a mental war as it is a physical battle." -Zach Gallman
by: Adam Sayih
When it comes to the deadlift, especially WODs that will ask for what seems an insane amount of repetitions, form will make or break the lifts. A lift done with proper form will not only prevent injury, but also make lifting heavier weights easier.
Besides, butt down, chest up, arched back, there's another form tip that's taught but usually brushed to the side. Shoulder blades back and down! This trick will pile the back muscles around your spine and not only support the back, but force you to keep perfect spinal position (lower back arched, slightly rounded at the top).
When attempting a heavy lift, or when nearing the end of a ceaseless round of deadlift, most of us have experienced the "how did my back not break" rep where our back seemed to hunch over worse than the bell-ringer of Notre Dame. This could have been avoided with proper shoulder blade placement on the set-up.
How to do it.
First, as you approach the bar, you want to bring your shoulder blades together. Imagine a soda can on your spine and you want to crush it with your shoulder blades.
Next, you want to lower your arms while keeping the shoulder blades pinched back. When you grab the bar, pull on the bar with slight tension, and literally push your squeezed shoulder blades down. At this point, you have perfect spinal position locked in. In fact you can try this from your home. Get to the shoulder blades back and down position and try to hunch your back. Impossible, right?
Now you want to bring your shoulder blades back. They should be behind the bar. This makes pulling the bar back during the lift easier. Shoulder blades in front of the bar will result in falling forward.
Now you have achieved a perfect set-up. Lean back and stay focused on your back position. Every rep stay tight and if necessary, re-do the set-up before the next rep.
Lean back, and pull like hell. Notice with this tip, your back will remain in perfect position even during the lock-out and will require no extra work.
"You must channel every bit of insanity and courage you have to pull big weights, and it's just as much a mental war as it is a physical battle." -Zach Gallman
This week at 911 CrossFit 8/15-8/19
Monday's WOD 8/15/11
Hollow rock video:
5 RNDS for time of:
6 Push Press @ 65% of Max for the day or 1RM
12 Pull ups
24 Double Unders
Tuesday's WOD 8/16/11
Candlestick roll video:
Straight jump:
3 rds of:
3 min AMRAP for Max Rds + Reps
5 Thrusters 95/65
5 Clean (squat clean) 95/65
5 Pull ups
Wednesday's WOD 8/17/11
"The CAVEMANKIND" part 1
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of
Push press @ 60 % B.W.
Pull ups
Push ups
Skill W.O.D
H.S.P.U (belly to the wall) walk 15 meters x 2
Thursday's WOD 8/18/11
"Honey badger . . . don't care" the finale
For time:
50 D.U's 15 foot Rope climb, 3ascents
50 KBS 53/35
15 Turkish get ups 35 / 20200 meter Run
200 meter lunges
100 meter run
100 meter lunges
25 Chest to bar pull ups50 supermans
25 Power cleans @ B.W.50 lunges
50 meters waiter carry 20/12 med ball
Greetings to Allen D. in Auburn University!!!
Friday's WOD 8/19/11
B.S 4 x 8 @ 65% of 1RM
5 RNDS of:
Thrusters 95/65
ring rows
Hollow Rock for 3 minutes
Recover 1 minute Hollow Rock for 2 minutes
Recover 1 minute Hollow Rock for 1 minute
Hollow rock video:
5 RNDS for time of:
6 Push Press @ 65% of Max for the day or 1RM
12 Pull ups
24 Double Unders
Tuesday's WOD 8/16/11
20 Burpee to Straight Jump to Candlestick Roll to Straight Jump
50 meter Broad Jumps
60 Toes to Bar with straight legs
Candlestick roll video:
Straight jump:
3 rds of:
3 min AMRAP for Max Rds + Reps
5 Thrusters 95/65
5 Clean (squat clean) 95/65
5 Pull ups
Wednesday's WOD 8/17/11
"The CAVEMANKIND" part 1
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of
Push press @ 60 % B.W.
Pull ups
Push ups
Skill W.O.D
H.S.P.U (belly to the wall) walk 15 meters x 2
Thursday's WOD 8/18/11
"Honey badger . . . don't care" the finale
For time:
50 D.U's 15 foot Rope climb, 3ascents
50 KBS 53/35
15 Turkish get ups 35 / 20200 meter Run
200 meter lunges
100 meter run
100 meter lunges
25 Chest to bar pull ups50 supermans
25 Power cleans @ B.W.50 lunges
50 meters waiter carry 20/12 med ball
Greetings to Allen D. in Auburn University!!!
Friday's WOD 8/19/11
B.S 4 x 8 @ 65% of 1RM
5 RNDS of:
Thrusters 95/65
ring rows
Sunday, August 7, 2011
This week at 911 CrossFit
Monday 8/8/11 WOD
3 sets of :
4 min AMRAP
25 Double unders
5 burpees
PERFORM in 12 minutes:
Add one rep per movement each round, how far can you get in the ladder in 12 minutes?
Coaching notes: please see video on G.W.O.D box jumps at:
Tuesday 8/9/11 WOD
F.S. 3x10 @ 65% of B.W
5 x Push Ups 5 x Wide Push Ups 5 x Narrow Push Ups 5 x Lateral Push Ups
Wednesday 8/10/11 WOD
"Honey badger . . . don't care" Part Two
For time:
20 Burpees box jumps
15 foot Rope climb, 5 ascents
50 KBS 53/35
25 turkish sit-ups (each side)
50 DB hang power cleans 40 % of BW EACH DB
800 meter Run RUN RUN RUN RUN!!!!!!!!!!!
50 D.U's50 supermans
50 lunges
Farewell to our brother Allen Duarte as he embarks in a new journey, you will be missed!!
Thursday 8/11/11 WOD
Deadlift 3x10 @ 65 % 1RM
"Test 3"
Tabata Squat
Max reps of Muscle-ups in 4 minutes
The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals. Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals. Begin time for muscle-ups immediately after the last 10 second rest interval. Test score equals Tabata score multiplied by number of muscle-ups completed.
Friday 8/12/11 WOD
Good mornings 5x5 95/65
Bench 3 sets for max reps @ BW
3 sets of :
4 min AMRAP
25 Double unders
5 burpees
PERFORM in 12 minutes:
- 1 Pistol
- 1 Toes to Bar
- 1 Box Jump
- 2 Pistols
- 2 Toes to Bars
- 2 Box Jumps
- 3 Pistols
- 3 Toes to Bars
- 3 Box Jumps
- 4, 4, 4, and so on...
Add one rep per movement each round, how far can you get in the ladder in 12 minutes?
Coaching notes: please see video on G.W.O.D box jumps at:
Tuesday 8/9/11 WOD
F.S. 3x10 @ 65% of B.W
5 x Push Ups 5 x Wide Push Ups 5 x Narrow Push Ups 5 x Lateral Push Ups
Skill: Skin the cat 3x5
Coaching note:
Wednesday 8/10/11 WOD
"Honey badger . . . don't care" Part Two
For time:
20 Burpees box jumps
15 foot Rope climb, 5 ascents
50 KBS 53/35
25 turkish sit-ups (each side)
50 DB hang power cleans 40 % of BW EACH DB
800 meter Run RUN RUN RUN RUN!!!!!!!!!!!
50 D.U's50 supermans
50 lunges
Farewell to our brother Allen Duarte as he embarks in a new journey, you will be missed!!
Thursday 8/11/11 WOD
Deadlift 3x10 @ 65 % 1RM
"Test 3"
Tabata Squat
Max reps of Muscle-ups in 4 minutes
The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals. Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals. Begin time for muscle-ups immediately after the last 10 second rest interval. Test score equals Tabata score multiplied by number of muscle-ups completed.
Friday 8/12/11 WOD
10-to-1 for QUALITY:
- Dumbells Overhead Press (Men: 45lbs, Women: 25lbs)
- Pull Up with no kip
- Dip
Good mornings 5x5 95/65
Bench 3 sets for max reps @ BW
Thursday, August 4, 2011
WOD 8/5/11
CrossFit Benchmark WOD:
Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
12 Pull-ups
WOD demo:
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
WOD 8/4/11
21 Pull-ups
21 Handstand Push-ups
18 Pull-ups
18 Handstand Push-ups
15 Pull-ups
15 Handstand Push-ups
12 Pull-ups
12 Handstand Push-ups
9 Pull-ups
9 Handstand Push-ups
6 Pull-ups
6 Handstand Push-ups
3 Pull-ups
3 Handstand Push-ups
Handstand push-ups are "nose to floor" and pull-ups are "strict" or non-kipping.
Tech work: Muscle ups and progressions.
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