Warm Up:
High Velocity
Hip/Shoulder mobility Skill/Strength:
Wall Ball WOD:
5 Rounds:
100m Farmer's walk
Double Unders/Singles Finisher:
Ring Holds Cool Down:
Band Stretch
Warm Up:
Dynamic Warm Up
Shoulder Mobility Skill/Strength:
Clean and Jerk WOD:
5 Rounds:
400m Run
30 Step Ups
30 Wall Balls
1 minute rest between rounds
Each round for time Finisher:
Hand Stand Holds Cool Down:
Band Stretch Links:
Warm Up:
High Velocity
Hip Mobility Skill/Strength:
Kettle Bell Swings WOD:
1 100m Sprint in the first minute
2 100m Sprint in the second minute
3 100m Sprint in the third minute
4 100m Sprint in the fourth minute
5 100m Sprint in the fifth minute
Continue until you run out of time in the minute Finisher:
N/a Cool Down:
Rowing Links: http://www.youtube.com/user/dragondoor001#p/u/18/k-97pH9eBfw