EMOM for 6 Minutes
-Power Snatch+2 Snatch @ 70%
Back Squat
-5x5 @ 90% of 1rm
For time:
Thruster 95/65
Wall Ball
Row for calories
Three rounds not for time of:
Bodyweight Bench Press till failure (Women use 3/4 BW)
Strict Chin-ups till failure
Partner WOD
Complete the following:
Total repetitions:
-60 Pull-ups
-60 Clean & Jerks 115/75
-60 Box Jumps
While one person performs the repetitions, the other partner runs 200m followed by a Spartan Wall jump.
When partner returns, switch.
EMOM for 6 Minutes
-Power Clean+2 Clean @ 70%
Explosive Back Squat
-5x3 @ 60% of 1rm
"Never Forget"
3 Rounds for time of:
9 Deadlifts 305/185
11 Ring Dips
(Flight numbers)
11 Deficit HSPU
93 Sit-ups
175 Dubs
Strict Press
-3x5 as heavy as possible
Push Press
-3x5 as heavy as possible
7 Minute AMRAP of:
20 Dubs
2 Thrusters 135/95 (Increase by 2 reps per round. First round 2, second round 4, third round 6, etc.)
rest two minutes then...
5 Minutes AMRAP of:
20 Dubs
2 OHS 95/65 (Increase by 2 reps per round. Same as before)
Every Even Minute for 8 Minutes (Including 0:00)
-2 Squat Snatch @ 75%
Every Even Minute for 8 Minutes (Including 0:00)
-2 Squat Clean & Jerks @ 75%
200m Farmer Walk Buy-in (Combined weight=bodyweight)
then 3 rounds of:
40 Russian KBS 70/53
10 2 Chest-to-bar+1 Toe-to-bar (1 rep= 2 chest to bar pull ups and 1 toe to bar)
10 Tire Flips (As heavy as possible)
1000m Row Cash out
Rookie, Sgt, Swat
There will now be three levels of difficulty for WOD scaling. Rookie is fairly new to CrossFit, within six months to a year. Rookie is just scaling the WODs. Examples of scaled movements for Rookies include, but not limited to:
Olympic lifts: All performed from the hang position, caught as low as possible.
HSPU: Feet on a box.
Strict Pull-ups/Pull-ups: Band, Jump pull-ups with 5 second descent, or ring rows.
Sgt is what we know as Rx. If you perform the WODs listed above at Rx, this is Sgt level.
Swat is strictly for competitive CrossFitters. This is not to be confused with Sgt. Sgt is still high intensity, heavy, hardcore WOD-ing as usual, so don't have the mentality that Sgt is scaled. The difference between Sgt and Swat is that Swat utilizes training intensities, longer strength work, and multiple sessions throughout the day. For example, a Swat WOD might include 30-40 minutes of strength work in the AM, followed by two to three WODs performed at only 70% intensity in the PM. For someone coming just to a 530pm class, the Swat WOD would be a waste of your time when the daily scheduled WOD will have all your bases covered. I don't want everyone trying to do Swat if you have no intention, desire, or even signed up for a future CrossFit competition. It just wouldn't make sense. The programming of Swat is long term, committed periodizations to peak performance for a specific competition you are prepping for. Swat WODs will not be posted on the white board, only at the bottom of every week's weekly WOD post. If no one is preparing for a competition, none will be posted. "A" indicates session one. This can performed in either the morning, or before session B. "B" indicates session two. Session B is to be performed in either the afternoon or evening, or at least 20-30 minutes after session A. Cleans mean full squat cleans. Snatches mean full squat snatches.
This week's SWAT
(Strength, Strength-Con, Anaerobic work capacity)
Power Clean+2 Clean
-2 sets @ 65%
-3 sets @ 70%
Push Press
-5x5 @ 70%
Back Squat
-4x5 @ 80%
With a running clock:
Every Even Minute for 10 Minutes (Including 0:00)
3 Deadlifts @ 315/185
Every Odd Minute for 10 Minutes
2 Ring Muscle-ups
rest 5 Minutes then...
5 Rounds of:
10 Barbell Lunges 135/95 (5 per leg)
7 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95
7 Overhead Squats 135/95
Rest One Minute
(Strength, Met-con, Aerobic/Anaerobic Work Capacity, Aerobic Work Capacity)
Power Snatch+2 Snatch
-2 sets @ 65%
-3 sets @ 70%
Clean High Pull
-3x5 @ 80% of Clean 1rm
Strict Pull-ups
6 rounds of:
8 Perfect Snatches 75/55
8 Box Jumps
8 Burpees
30 second rest (Only applies to team competitors)
Rest 5-10 minutes then...
Work Rest Ratio: 1:4
Rest 5-10 minutes then...
Row 1500m at 90% Intensity
(Competition Simulation)
10 Minute AMRAP:
20 Dub Buy-in
15 Russian KBS 70/53
5 Chest-to-bar pull-up+Toe-to-bar
Rest 10-15 minutes then...
7 Minute AMRAP:
5 Power Cleans 155/105
10 Burpee Box Jumps
Rest 10-15 minutes then...
For time:
Rope Climb
Snatch+3 Overhead Squats 135/95 (1 rep=snatch+3 ohs)
Cashout: 25m Handstand walk
(Strength, Strength-Con, Anaerobic work capacity)
3-Position Snatch
-4 sets @ 70%
3-Position Clean
-4 sets @ 70%
Split Jerk
-5x3 @ 78%
Back Squat
-Work up to a new 3rm
Three minute AMRAP of:
5 Thrusters 135/95
5 Hang Power Snatches 135/95
Rest two minutes then repeat.
Rest two minutes then repeat.
Rest five minutes then...
5 Rounds of:
50m Sled Sprint 45lb & 25lb loaded on each handle
Work Rest Ratio 1:2
(Strength, Met-con, Aerobic/Anaerobic Work Capacity, Aerobic Work Capacity)
Take 15-20 Minutes to work up to a heavy Snatch single
Take 15-20 Minutes to work up to a heavy Clean & Jerk single
Three rounds for time of:
400m Run
21 KBS 53/35
12 Pull-ups
rest 10 minutes then...
Choose any bodyweight movement that you consider a weakness:
Five rounds of:
1 Minute Max Effort weakness movement. Perform at an intensity that allows flawless form.
1 Minute Rest.
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