6 Minute EMOM:
-2 Cleans (Catch as low as possible) @ 70% of 1rm
then immediately..
-2 Minute Clean AMRAP
Back Squat
-3x3 @ 88%
Coaching Notes: If you've been CrossFitting less than 3 months, sub for hang cleans.
Death by Thrusters with two burpee pull-up buy in 95/65
Cash out: Row 1000m
Coaching Notes: Top of every minute, you must perform two burpee pull-ups before you begin the round. First round= 2 burpee pull-ups+ 1 thruster, second round= 2 burpee pull-ups+ 2 thrusters, etc. Once you cannot complete the required reps for the round before the next minute starts, you are finished. Once you're finished, immediately row 1000m. Push yourself!!!
Strength WOD
Split Jerk
-5x2 (Alternate feet) Heavy, but flawless form and speed
For time:
6 TGU (3 per arm)
50 KBS Snatch (25 per arm)
50 KBS
50 Russian KBS
400m Farmer's Walk
Gymnastic WOD
-120 Second total L-sit hold (Break up as necessary)
Coaching Notes: Take your time on the TGU. Time begins as soon as you finish the TGU so deduct the time it took to complete all 6 reps from your total time. Challenge yourself and use a challenging weight. Just because it's 50 reps doesn't mean it has to be a weight you can do 50 times unbroken. If the TGU is what holds you back from doing heavy weight, use a heavier kettlebell for the remainder of the WOD.
Strength WID
6 Minute EMOM:
-2 Snatch (Catch as low as possible) @ 50% of 1rm
then immediately..
-2 Minute Snatch AMRAP
Dynamic Back Squat
-7x2 @ 65%
Coaching Notes: If you've been CrossFitting less than 3 months, sub for hang snatch. Concentric portion of the back squat should be performed at the highest possible velocity with flawless form.
With a running clock:
Three rounds of:
30 Seconds ME Deadlift 225/115
30 Seconds ME Burpees
30 Seconds Rest
then immediately...
Three rounds of:
30 Seconds ME Push Press 135/65
30 Seconds ME Broad Jumps
30 Seconds Rest
then immediately...
Three rounds of:
30 Seconds 25m Shuttle Run
30 Seconds Rest
Strength WOD
Five rounds of:
-3 Bench Press @ 85%
-3 Bar Muscle-ups (or 6 Strict pull-ups, or 5 Jumping Pull-ups with 5 second controlled descent)
Power Cleans 135/95
Ring Dips
Coaching notes: Rest between rounds in the strength wod. You won't have quality strength work if you don't rest enough between sets. CrossFitters less than 3 months, sub power cleans for hang power cleans.
Strength WOD
Three-position Snatch
-5 sets @ 70%
Overhead Squat
-3x5 @ 80% of Snatch 1rm
For time:
20 Minute AMRAP of:
1 Rope Climb
3 Tire Flips
5 Toe-to-bar
10 Wall Balls
15 Box Jumps
20 Double-unders
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