Out of reverence for Veteran's Day this Tuesday, we will only have morning classes: 530am, 630am, and 830am. Thank a vet, and for all of those who served and are currently serving, we thank you for you service to our country.
Squat Snatch
-4x3 @ 70%. Pause at the bottom for 2 seconds.
5 Rounds for time of:
9 Deadlift 135/95
6 Hang Power Snatch 135/95
3 Overhead Squat 135/95
Row 200m
Reminder, we will only be open from 5:30am-9:30am
Back Squat
-2x5 @ 100% of 5rm
-1x5 @ 105% of 5rm
"Armistice WOD"
9 Minute AMRAP
100-meter sprint
11 Sit-ups
11 Air squats
100-meter sprint
22 Sit-ups
22 Air squats
100-meter sprint
33 Sit-ups
33 Air squats
*add 11 to the sit-ups and air squats for each additional round
2-minute rest followed by
9 minute AMRAP
100-meter sprint
11 Pushups
11 Box jumps
100-meter sprint
22 Pushups
22 Box jumps
100-meter sprint
33 Pushups
33 Box jumps
*add 11 to the pushups and box jumps for each round
Background: On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, was declared between the Allied nations and Germany in the First World War. This Armistice Day was later re-named to Veterans Day.
Significance: At exactly 11 a.m., each November 11th, a color guard, made up of members from each of the military branches, renders honors to America's war dead during a ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington National Cemetery. The 11 minutes of work and the 11-based rep scheme represents the rich history of Veteran’s Day. The two-minutes of rest/reflection represents this moment of silence at the tomb of the unknowns. The 1st round of work represents Veterans of wars past, and the 2nd round of work represents Veterans of present and future wars. Modified versions of classic military exercises are meant to help connect Veterans and the greater community to connect after the accomplishment of shared hardship during this WOD.
Three rounds not for time of:
10 Good morning, challenging weight but perfect form, start light
10 Barbell Rows
18 Minute AMRAP of:
1 Rope Climb
12 Sumo Deadlifts 225/135
21 KBS 53/35
Row 500m
Three rounds not for time of:
5 Bench Press @ 80%
3 Jerks @ 80%
Repeat Twice:
2 Minute AMRAP of:
-10 Box Jumps
-5 Pull-ups
2 Minute AMRAP of:
-10 Hang Cleans 115/75
-5 Dumbbell Snatch 55/35
2 Minute AMRAP of:
-200m Run with Med Ball 20/12 (Anytime left over is your rest)
Squat Clean & Jerk
-4x3 @ 70%
12 Minute AMRAP of:
20 Wall Balls
15 Double Unders
10 Thrusters 95/65
At the top of every minute, immediately perform 3 Burpees