Strength WOD
Back Squat (Max Effort)
-12 minutes to establish a new 2rm
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:
Deadlift 1.5 Body Weight
Bench Press Body Weight
Clean 3/4 Body Weight
Strength WOD
Snatch+Hang Snatch
-5x2 @ 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%
5 Minute AMRAP
10 Front Squats
10m Barbell Lunge (Barbell in front rack position)
10 Shoulder to overhead (Strict, push press, jerk, etc.)
10m Barbell Lunge (Barbell in front rack position)
Rx: 135/95
3 minute rest then...
5 Minute AMRAP
10 Overhead Squat
10m Overhead walk
10 Barbell facing burpees (5 each side of the barbell)
10m Overhead walk
Rx: 95/65
Coaching Notes: In the strength wod, the initial snatch from the ground is the first rep. Upon completion of the first snatch, return to the hang position (not ground) and perform a hang snatch as the second rep. Set is now complete.
Strength WOD
Five rounds for time of:
Run 800m
5 15' Rope climbs
50 Push-ups
Time cap: 40 minutes
Veteran LAPD officer and United States Marine Corps Reservist Sergeant Major Robert J Cottle, 45, was killed by an improvised explosive device while on patrol in Southern Afghanistan on Wednesday, March 24, 2010. RJ joined the Marines at age 18, and the LAPD in 1990. His various LAPD assignments included Hollywood Vice, Southeast Area, LAPD Dive Team and, most recently, SWAT. He is survived by his wife Emily and 9 month old daughter Kaila. The LAPD established a trust fund for them.
I think I know the first guy in the video doing KB swings
Strength WOD
Close-grip Bench Press (Max Effort)
-12 minutes to beat last weeks 1rm
Back Squat (Dynamic Effort)
-8x2 @ 65%. Maximum rest of one minute between sets.
"The floor is lava"
For time:
20 Unbroken Hang Power Cleans 135/95
50 Unbroken KB Swings
50 Unbroken Wall Balls
50 Unbroken Double-unders
Rx: 53/35
During the 50 reps of any given exercise: if the barbell hits the ground, the kettle-bell touches the floor, ball hits the grounds, or jump rope stops, there is a 3 burpee penalty.
Strength WOD
Pendlay Row
3 Minute AMRAP
3 Muscle-ups
5 Box Jumps
2 minute rest then...
5 Minute AMRAP
5 DB Ground to Overhead Left Arm
5 Pistol Squats Right Leg
5 DB Ground to Overhead Right Arm
5 Pistol Squats Left Leg
Rx: 80/50
2 minute rest then...
7 Minute AMRAP
7 Tire flips
7 L-Pull ups
7 Ball Slams