6 rds for Max Reps:
30 sec of Pull ups
30 sec of rest
30 sec of Burpees
30 sec of rest
5 rds of:
10 V-ups
Hold at the bottom for max hold
rest 90 secs
For time:
100 Unders
90 Super mans
80 Squats
70 Sit-ups
60 Lunges
50 Push-ups
40 Box Jumps
30 Wall Balls
20 Burpees
10 Pull-ups
Deadlift 5x3
3 Rounds for time:
Run 400
7 Muscle-ups
A. 2:00 AMRAP Front Squat (from floor) – 95#/65#
Rest 3:00
B. 2:00 AMRAP Double Unders
Rest 3:00
C. 2:00 AMRAP OHS (from Floor) – 95#/65#
Rest 3:00
D. 2:00 AMRAP Double Unders
Rest 3:00
E. 2:00 AMRAP Front Squat (from floor) – 95#/65#
Long Jumps for Distance - 3 consecutive jumps x 5 sets, rest 90 seconds
Ring Inverts - 5 reps x 5 sets, rest 90 second
Perform the above together
Weighted Back Extension - 6-8 resp x 5 sets @ 3011, rest 2:00
Coach’s notes: Post best distance in the long jumps, comments on ring inverts and loads for weighted back extension.